Unity Lodge #48 Slate of Officers Elected 2018

At our last stated meeting, the members of Unity Lodge elected the slate of officers for the upcoming Masonic year. They are:

Worshipful Master      Bro. Michael Krog
Senior Warden            Bro. Vern Hagel
Junior Warden            Bro. Michael Swartz
Secretary                     WB. Brad Baker
Treasurer                     Bro. Bruno Gora III
Senior Deacon            Bro. Mark Hilgers
Junior Deacon             Bro. Steve Spoerl Jr.
Chaplain                      Bro. Curt Crosby
Senior Steward           WB Michael Shortall
Junior Steward            WB Eric Gallien
Marshall                      WB. Michael Millette
Tyler                            RWB Frank Barrett

Again, thank you to all of my Brothers at Unity for taking on their respective chairs and responsibilities for the ensuing Masonic Year.

Fraternally yours,

Bro. Michael Krog
Unity Lodge #48
Geneva, IL